Nova.Net transcript of Matrix's endorsement speech for Lauren Pendleton at NYC rally

Good afternoon,

There's been some speculation going around as to what my purpose was in coming here today. Well, as some of you have guessed, it's to say that I'm endorsing Lauren Pendleton in her run for the presidency of the United States of America.

Let me say first that I am doing this on my own and not as a member of Team Tomorrow. They can make their own endorsements.

I am endorsing Lauren because she is a patriot and will be dedicated to the task of restoring America. She understands the Constition and understands that its words are not merely good ideas that can change from day to day with the prevailing political winds but that mean exactly what they say no matter what day of the week it is...

And unlike her competition, she respects the entire Bill of Rights for all Americans.

We've watched her previous campaigns as she stood up for liberty and integrity and we've watched her do the same in this campaign. And I know she will continue to do so once in office.

The political process continues to be plauged by individuals who seek to divide us and play upon our fears and differences. Lauren Pendleton and the Libertarian Party are seeking to unite all Americans with a vision of freedom and by giving them a hope for a truly better tomorrow. A tomorrow of prosperity, freedom and responsibility where what divides us is not nearly so large as what unites us. I hope you'll all join me and vote for a better tomorrow and a better America by voting for Lauren Pendleton.

Thank you.

<Matrix presents $100,000 check to Lauren Pendeldon and party chair Jim Lark.>

<Members of the press and public yell out a variety of questions.>

Matrix: All right, all right, I suppose I should answer a few questions while I'm here. You there, in the red.

NY Times: Does this mean you are now a member of the Libertarian Party?

Matrix: No. Like Will Rodgers, I'm not sure I'd join any party that would have me as a member.

CNN: Will you be on the campaign trail with Ms Pendelton?

Matrix: No. My duties with Team Tomorrow keep me pretty busy and I'm not one for campaigning.

WorldNetDaily: What, in particular, made you endorse Lauren Pendelton?

Matrix: Several things, some of which I mentioned. In particular, I fully support the LP's platform on the Drug War and Social Security.

Nova.Net: Where does Project Utopia stand on this endorsement?

Matrix: They found out about it the same time you did. As I said, I am here as an individual, I'm not representing Utopia, T2M, novas or any other group. Thank you.

<Matrix turns the podium over to Lauren Pendelton.>

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