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Hello, Tower.

(I must admit it's still kinda freaky, the way he talks in your head.)

How do you like being a member of T2M America?
It is an honor and a privilege to serve the better good with such fine companions such as those of Team Tomorrow.

Any rivalries starting between you and T2M Europe?
None that I am aware of. Rivalry has no place in the teams. We are all working for the same goal and everyone has a place.

Project Utopia has gotten involved in some major projects over the last few years. Some of it has already been covered previously, but could you give us a summary of any major involvement you've had in any of them? 
My endurance allowed me to work to rebuild Sao Paolo around the clock for many days after I had a chance to return there. Though I lack formal training in the engineering arts my strength more than made up for its lack as long as I had some direction. The situation was similar in Ethiopia though there my other abilities allowed me to do work deep beneath the surface of the Earth, altering the very bedrock underneath the area with minimal disturbance to the land above.

What do you think of the XWF?
There are always those that will make their profit off of the sensationalism so often enjoyed by our society and others. I can not blame those involved for doing so, only the weakness of those that would choose to watch violence over any other form of quality entertainment.

So you consider it rather "low-brow" and don't watch?
My opinion is not without research. I have watched the XWF and find it lacking in quality. It seems an excuse for base Novas to fight and be hurt for the entertainment of the fawning masses.

Any chance of you competing in an XWF match?

The big news for T2M America is the recent departure of Voyager for.  Do you have any insight as to why he left?
Yes I do and his reasons are his own. I will not comment upon them.

What about the allegations that it had something to do with the incident involving his partner?
Was I unclear in any way in my statement? I will not comment upon Voyager's reason for leaving. This line of questioning is over.

Can you confirm reports of a conflict between Voyager and members of T2M in the Bowery neighborhood of New York?
With Voyager's departure I lost a friend and I must ask that you choose another line of questioning.

Do you think he's coming back? Would Utopia really welcome him with open arms?
I would welcome him. Voyager is always welcome to the hospitality of my home.

What do you think the next year will bring for Novas?
     One can only hope for less of the same. Novas have been used in conflict far too long and we have lost many of our finest in war. History has taught us that conflict gains us nothing but more conflict it is only through cooperation and healthy competition that advances are made, not through war and destruction. Albert Einstein once said that you can not simultaneously work for peace and prepare for war, it seems that Novas are used to prepare for war leaving the rest of the world to live in peace. I am not certain that this is a positive change.
     On the other hand, Novas have unparalleled opportunity on a level that is difficult to fathom. Any of our abilities can easily be marketed for great sums of money. It is perhaps the first time in history that a person is worth more due to an accident of birth and less for their skills. I am not certain that this is healthy either, baselines and novas must learn to stand on their own as individuals. Novas can not solve all the world's problems, nor should they be expected to, it is asking too much even of those that can accomplish nearly anything.

You may want to check your history books again. In any case, aren't most Novas who make these vast sums using their extraordinary skills and talents?
I must admit that history is not my strongest subject. Many and most Novas have no need of the money. It gains them nothing. It is vacuous. For example, what need do I have for money? I do not eat or breath unless I wish to. I do not need rest and alcohol and narcotics have no effect upon me. What exactly do I need money for? Simple, one needs a purpose in life. A cause if you will, whatever it might be. It is here that the money can be spent and put to good use. Get yourself a fine car and a beautiful house if that is what you want, and then accomplish something worthwhile. I work with and fund the Cetacean Institute out of Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

So you think being a Nova is a purely genetic trait? You don't think the Galatea explosion caused some mutations?
It is possible that the Galatea explosion caused a certain amount of activation of the M-R node, but no, the data does not correspond to the Galatea being the cause of all Nova eruptions. The distribution of Novas is too even in diverse populations for the cause to be any single outside source. This leads me to believe that the root cause of Novas is genetics.

You've become involved in charitable and scientific causes, others in Utopia are involved in charity, politics and the media, do you see a trend of Nova involvement in these areas?
As for charity one could certainly hope so and for science we already know that certain Novas have an edge here. As for politics and the media, one can only make conjectures but I find it unlikely that the trend, at least in the media, will turn around overnight and we can expect to see many more Nova media personalities for the foreseeable future.

You're big project lately has been working with cetaceans. Why is it important to you? What are your goals? How is the project doing?
     Cetacean's are, at least I believe they are, another sentient species, or at least house one or more sentient species in their midst. We have cleaned up the oceans for them but there is so much more to do. I, and the scientists involved, are trying to prove that the sonar and noises that cetacean's make underwater are actually a complex form of language. It is already widely accepted that it is a form of communication, like that of bees giving direction to a source of pollen, but we are trying to prove that the cetaceans, or some of them at least, communicate on entirely different levels.
     In short, the goal is to prove that we share the Earth with at least one other sentient species. My abilities as a universal language center telepath should prove most useful, though deciphering the code used in cetacean language will no doubt take some time.

What do you think the world's reaction would be to a U.N. declaration that cetaceans are sentient? Are you seeking "human rights" for dolphins, whales, etc?
Until the proof exists of their sentience I doubt that the UN would declare anything of the sort. Until the proof exists, conjecture on the nature of the world's response will do us little. I would hope that the proof would be all that would be required of the world. As far as "human rights" are concerned, if my conjecture is correct about our seagoing cousins wouldn't a more appropriate term be sentient rights? Would you deny another thinking and reasoning being the same rights that you share with the other thinking and reasoning beings on this planet?

What one thing should Project Utopia be doing that it's not?
Utopia's stated goals are fine and good. The betterment of the world we share is both healthy and excellent. A world of peace and prosperity is as much as anyone, Nova or otherwise, could hope for. Despite Utopia having the largest cadre of Novas in its employ in the world, we as a people of the world must stop looking to Utopia to solve all our problems. Looking outside of yourself for solutions is not a healthy way to live your life. If those solutions present themselves, take advantage of them, but do not expect that someone else will always be there to solve problems for you.

Is Utopia doing anything that you think it should stop doing?
Any of my concerns have been declared along the appropriate channels within Utopia. This forum is not an appropriate channel. 

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